Monday, May 26, 2014

Dieting with CIW

Yup, that is pretty much whats happening now :/ and I know I have been whining about it a LOT and doing absolutely nothing to make it right. In fact I was even planning to either tweet or Instagram pictures of things I eat all, day every day so that it will discourage me from eating more, but I am not encouraged enough to do it :/ well, I will if you will?

Tell me in the comments below will you do this with me? If so then I will do it too, just use the hashtag #ciwdiet , but I will only do this if you promise me in the comments below you will do this with me! It will be like a community diet...kind off..

Anyways I am serious about getting back in shape and I must! and if you are a bride-to-be then you must do some exercise! Not because you should be stick thin for your wedding, (in fact if you are stick thin then go eat something!) but because being a Bride needs you to be active all the time, and you need a good stamina to handle all that preparations and functions and what not!

Here are some inspirations for you!

Already done this to my clock, has no effect on me what so ever. 

So let me know if you want to start the CIW Diet with me! i.e. tweeting or instagraming pictures of food you eat all day long to make us feel ashamed if we have something that we shouldn't, and to encourage each other to eat healthy!

Make sure your following me on twitter and Instagram and don't forget to use the hashtag #ciwdiet

Twitter :
Instagram :

As for me, I am going to go eat the chocolates my hubby got for our 1.5year anniversary.....err.....they are my fav. this will be the last time and I will only have one (big) bite, promise.

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